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Array ( [0] => . [1] => .. [2] => 20200301a_0-fineHELPHTML.docx [3] => 20200301a_0-fineHELPinnerHTML.docx [4] => 20200301a_2-h11.html [5] => 20200306a_1-usd.html [6] => 20200315b_1-wysiwyg.html [7] => a [8] => ascii.txt [9] => backup [10] => cronologia.php [11] => cronologia.txt [12] => fine.js [13] => h04.php [14] => h05.php [15] => h06.php [16] => h07.php [17] => h08.php [18] => h09.php [19] => h10.php [20] => h11.php [21] => h12.php [22] => h13.php [23] => h14.php [24] => h15.php [25] => h16.php [26] => h17.php [27] => h18.php [28] => h19.php [29] => h20.php [30] => html [31] => prenexcro.html [32] => prenexcroSNIP.html [33] => repository [34] => viewdir.php [35] => viewdirOLD.php )
Software raccoglitore.

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/* udstile css versione 2020 03 07 */
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/* usd js versione 2020 03 08 12:00 */
/* update con indicatore scorrimento */
/* verticale della pagina */
/* loading spinner a circa 50min */


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' <div id="Loaded" '+
' style="'+
' position:fixed;'+
' top:50%; '+
' left:50%; margin-left:-5.4em; '+
' "> '+
' <div class="ui secondary '+
' loading small button ">'+
' Loading '+
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' > '+
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function AttendereLoading()
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var percento=document.getElementById('percento');
var contatore=1;
var intervallo=setInterval(



if (contatore===101)

}, 30000

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window.onscroll = function() {indicatore()};

function indicatore() {
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/* aforall js versione 2020 03 07 */
/* elenco dei siti collegati */

' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
'<div style="" '+
'overflow: visible;">'+
'<span>Altervista for all </span>'+
'<span style="">'+
'<a href="'+
' <br/>'+
'<a href=""> 1</a>'+
' '+
'<a href=""> 2</a>'+
' '+
'<a '+'href="">'+
' 3</a>'+' '+
'<a href=""'+
'> 4</a>'+' '+
'<a '+
' href="" >'+
' 5</a>'+
' <a '+
'href="" >'+
' 6</a>'+' <a'+
' href="">'+
' 7</a>  '+
' href="">'+
' 8</a> ' +
' <br/> '+
' href="">'+' 9</a> <a'+
' href="">'+
'10</a> <a'+
' href="">'+
'11</a> <a'+
' href="">'+
'12</a> <a'+
' href="">'+
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' '

/* orarioDMHS js 20200307 */
/* giorno mese anno ora */

var orario = setInterval(intervalloHMS, 1000);

function intervalloHMS() {
var d = new Date();
// document.getElementById("orarioHMS").innerHTML = d.toLocaleTimeString();
document.getElementById("orarioDHMS").innerHTML = d;

Frammenti di codice.

sixteen wide column (one time)

<section id="" class="ui grid container centro bordo2">
 <article class="sixteen wide left aligned column bordo3">
  <div class="bordo4">

eight wide column (two times)

<section id="" class="ui grid container centro bordo2">
 <article class="eight wide left aligned column bordo3">
  <div class="bordo4">
 <article class="eight wide left aligned column bordo3">
  <div class="bordo4">

four wide column (four times)

<section id="" class="ui grid container centro bordo2">
 <article class="four wide left aligned column bordo3">
  <div class="bordo4">
 <article class="four wide left aligned column bordo3">
  <div class="bordo4">
 <article class="four wide left aligned column bordo3">
  <div class="bordo4">
 <article class="four wide left aligned column bordo3">
  <div class="bordo4">

codici ascii

32     space
33 ! ! ! ! exclamation mark
34 " " " " quotation mark
35 # # # # number sign
36 $ $ $ $ dollar sign
37 % % % % percent sign
38 & & & & ampersand
39 ' ' ' ' apostrophe
40 ( ( ( ( left parenthesis
41 ) ) ) ) right parenthesis
42 * * * * asterisk
43 + + + + plus sign
44 , , , , comma
45 - - - - hyphen-minus
46 . . . . full stop
47 / / / / solidus
48 0 0 0 0 digit zero
49 1 1 1 1 digit one
50 2 2 2 2 digit two
51 3 3 3 3 digit three
52 4 4 4 4 digit four
53 5 5 5 5 digit five
54 6 6 6 6 digit six
55 7 7 7 7 digit seven
56 8 8 8 8 digit eight
57 9 9 9 9 digit nine
58 : : : : colon
59 ; ; ; ; semicolon
60 < < < < less-than sign
61 = = = = equals sign
62 > > > > greater-than sign
63 ? ? ? ? question mark
64 @ @ @ @ commercial at
65 A A A A Latin capital letter A
66 B B B B Latin capital letter B
67 C C C C Latin capital letter C
68 D D D D Latin capital letter D
69 E E E E Latin capital letter E
70 F F F F Latin capital letter F
71 G G G G Latin capital letter G
72 H H H H Latin capital letter H
73 I I I I Latin capital letter I
74 J J J J Latin capital letter J
75 K K K K Latin capital letter K
76 L L L L Latin capital letter L
77 M M M M Latin capital letter M
78 N N N N Latin capital letter N
79 O O O O Latin capital letter O
80 P P P P Latin capital letter P
81 Q Q Q Q Latin capital letter Q
82 R R R R Latin capital letter R
83 S S S S Latin capital letter S
84 T T T T Latin capital letter T
85 U U U U Latin capital letter U
86 V V V V Latin capital letter V
87 W W W W Latin capital letter W
88 X X X X Latin capital letter X
89 Y Y Y Y Latin capital letter Y
90 Z Z Z Z Latin capital letter Z
91 [ [ [ [ left square bracket
92 \ \ \ \ reverse solidus
93 ] ] ] ] right square bracket
94 ^ ^ ^ ^ circumflex accent
95 _ _ _ _ low line
96 ` ` ` ` grave accent
97 a a a a Latin small letter a
98 b b b b Latin small letter b
99 c c c c Latin small letter c
100 d d d d Latin small letter d
101 e e e e Latin small letter e
102 f f f f Latin small letter f
103 g g g g Latin small letter g
104 h h h h Latin small letter h
105 i i i i Latin small letter i
106 j j j j Latin small letter j
107 k k k k Latin small letter k
108 l l l l Latin small letter l
109 m m m m Latin small letter m
110 n n n n Latin small letter n
111 o o o o Latin small letter o
112 p p p p Latin small letter p
113 q q q q Latin small letter q
114 r r r r Latin small letter r
115 s s s s Latin small letter s
116 t t t t Latin small letter t
117 u u u u Latin small letter u
118 v v v v Latin small letter v
119 w w w w Latin small letter w
120 x x x x Latin small letter x
121 y y y y Latin small letter y
122 z z z z Latin small letter z
123 { { { { left curly bracket
124 | | | | vertical line
125 } } } } right curly bracket
126 ~ ~ ~ ~ tilde
127 DEL       
128   €     euro sign
129      NOT USED
130   ‚     single low-9 quotation mark
131   ƒ     Latin small letter f with hook
132   „     double low-9 quotation mark
133   …     horizontal ellipsis
134   †     dagger
135   ‡     double dagger
136   ˆ     modifier letter circumflex accent
137   ‰     per mille sign
138   Š     Latin capital letter S with caron
139   ‹     single left-pointing angle quotation mark
140   Œ     Latin capital ligature OE
141      NOT USED
142   Ž     Latin capital letter Z with caron
143      NOT USED
144      NOT USED
145   ‘     left single quotation mark
146   ’     right single quotation mark
147   “     left double quotation mark
148   ”     right double quotation mark
149   •     bullet
150   –     en dash
151   —     em dash
152   ˜     small tilde
153   ™     trade mark sign
154   š     Latin small letter s with caron
155   ›     single right-pointing angle quotation mark
156   œ     Latin small ligature oe
157      NOT USED
158   ž     Latin small letter z with caron
159   Ÿ     Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160         no-break space
161   ¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation mark
162   ¢ ¢ ¢ cent sign
163   £ £ £ pound sign
164   ¤ ¤ ¤ currency sign
165   ¥ ¥ ¥ yen sign
166   ¦ ¦ ¦ broken bar
167   § § § section sign
168   ¨ ¨ ¨ diaeresis
169   © © © copyright sign
170   ª ª ª feminine ordinal indicator
171   « « « left-pointing double angle quotation mark
172   ¬ ¬ ¬ not sign
173   ­ ­ ­ soft hyphen
174   ® ® ® registered sign
175   ¯ ¯ ¯ macron
176   ° ° ° degree sign
177   ± ± ± plus-minus sign
178   ² ² ² superscript two
179   ³ ³ ³ superscript three
180   ´ ´ ´ acute accent
181   µ µ µ micro sign
182   ¶ ¶ ¶ pilcrow sign
183   · · · middle dot
184   ¸ ¸ ¸ cedilla
185   ¹ ¹ ¹ superscript one
186   º º º masculine ordinal indicator
187   » » » right-pointing double angle quotation mark
188   ¼ ¼ ¼ vulgar fraction one quarter
189   ½ ½ ½ vulgar fraction one half
190   ¾ ¾ ¾ vulgar fraction three quarters
191   ¿ ¿ ¿ inverted question mark
192   À À À Latin capital letter A with grave
193   Á Á Á Latin capital letter A with acute
194   Â Â Â Latin capital letter A with circumflex
195   Ã Ã Ã Latin capital letter A with tilde
196   Ä Ä Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
197   Å Å Å Latin capital letter A with ring above
198   Æ Æ Æ Latin capital letter AE
199   Ç Ç Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200   È È È Latin capital letter E with grave
201   É É É Latin capital letter E with acute
202   Ê Ê Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex
203   Ë Ë Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
204   Ì Ì Ì Latin capital letter I with grave
205   Í Í Í Latin capital letter I with acute
206   Î Î Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex
207   Ï Ï Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
208   Ð Ð Ð Latin capital letter Eth
209   Ñ Ñ Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde
210   Ò Ò Ò Latin capital letter O with grave
211   Ó Ó Ó Latin capital letter O with acute
212   Ô Ô Ô Latin capital letter O with circumflex
213   Õ Õ Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde
214   Ö Ö Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
215   × × × multiplication sign
216   Ø Ø Ø Latin capital letter O with stroke
217   Ù Ù Ù Latin capital letter U with grave
218   Ú Ú Ú Latin capital letter U with acute
219   Û Û Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex
220   Ü Ü Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
221   Ý Ý Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute
222   Þ Þ Þ Latin capital letter Thorn
223   ß ß ß Latin small letter sharp s
224   à à à Latin small letter a with grave
225   á á á Latin small letter a with acute
226   â â â Latin small letter a with circumflex
227   ã ã ã Latin small letter a with tilde
228   ä ä ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis
229   å å å Latin small letter a with ring above
230   æ æ æ Latin small letter ae
231   ç ç ç Latin small letter c with cedilla
232   è è è Latin small letter e with grave
233   é é é Latin small letter e with acute
234   ê ê ê Latin small letter e with circumflex
235   ë ë ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis
236   ì ì ì Latin small letter i with grave
237   í í í Latin small letter i with acute
238   î î î Latin small letter i with circumflex
239   ï ï ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis
240   ð ð ð Latin small letter eth
241   ñ ñ ñ Latin small letter n with tilde
242   ò ò ò Latin small letter o with grave
243   ó ó ó Latin small letter o with acute
244   ô ô ô Latin small letter o with circumflex
245   õ õ õ Latin small letter o with tilde
246   ö ö ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis
247   ÷ ÷ ÷ division sign
248   ø ø ø Latin small letter o with stroke
249   ù ù ù Latin small letter u with grave
250   ú ú ú Latin small letter u with acute
251   û û û Latin small letter with circumflex
252   ü ü ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis
253   ý ý ý Latin small letter y with acute
254   þ þ þ Latin small letter thorn
255   ÿ ÿ ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis

<style> @keyframes spin{ 0%{transform:rotate(0deg);}100% {transform:rotate(360deg);}} </style> <div style="width:48px;height:48px;border:solid 4px red;border-top:solid 4px black;background-color:gray;border-radius:50%;animation: spin 1.5s linear infinite;"></div> <div style="width:1px;height:1px;border:solid 14px red;border-top:solid 14px black;background-color:gray;border-radius:50%;animation: spin 1.5s linear infinite;"></div>


memorizza sul server nome file visitato

$actual_link = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";

$oggi_est = date("l") . " ";
$oggi_est = $oggi_est . date("Y/m/d");
$oggi_est_time = date("h:i:sa");

$fp = fopen('/membri/edoraandiamo/text.txt', 'w');
fwrite($fp, $actual_link. " " .$oggi_est. " ". $oggi_est_time);

$myfile = fopen("/membri/edoraandiamo/logs.txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
// $actual_link = "cronologia";
fwrite($myfile, "\n". $actual_link. " " .$oggi_est. " ". $oggi_est_time);


visualizza files directory corrente

  $dir = './';
  $files1 = scandir($dir);
  // $files2 = scandir($dir, 1);


  // print_r($files2);

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